Nauji sprendimai kelia naujų klausimų. Visada norime jums padėti, nepriklausant kokie klausimai kyla. Žemiau rasite dažniausiai užduodamus klausimus. Jei nerasite atsakymo, nedvejodami susisiekite su mumis.
1. Posi-Joist™ and fire protection?
The past 5 years MiTek has conducted more than 10 different fire protection-tests. The most recent one in September 2019. The normal times of fire resistance REI are: 30, 60 and 90 min. performed in accordance with EN1365-2. For more details we refer to the Posi-Joist™ handbook.

2. Posi-Joist™ and acoustics?
Since Scandinavia is among the geograohic regions in the world with the highest demands regarding acoustics, MiTek has been performing advanced tests in both laboratory and actual projects to be able to verify, measure and determine 4-ground system for Posi-joist™ beams: Posi-Joist™ BASIC Floor, BBR-mini, Class B and Class A. The Posi-joist technology has shown to be superior in regard to air- and step sound compared to other common solutions. More information in the Posi-Joist™ Handbook.

3. Thickness of Floor: How will Posi-Joist stand up against other solutions
Thanks to the cooperation with Posi-Strut/steel-web and wooden beam/fastening, the height will normally become 15-20% less than with comparable values for acoustic/vibration/deflection.

4. Where can I find Posi-Joist™?
The joists are produced and designed for your projects by certified producers in Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Estonia.

5. What span-widths can I expect for Posi-Joist™ solutions?
The span will depend upon the specific project. Stairs, carrying walls and where they are situated will play a part. The project will be defined within our own software PAMIR, used by all producers of Posi-Joist™.

6. What is the weight of a Posi-Joist™ floor?
Looking at our most common 4 systems, these are the actual weights (kg/m²) COMPLETE FLOOR WITH PARQUET and ROOF-BATTENS, fire-protection 60min: POSI-golv BASIC 59kg/m², POSI-golv Class BBR 98kg/m², POSI-golv Class B 102kg/m², POSI-golv Class A 122kg/m²

7. How does Posi-Joist™ attach to the walls, suspending/resting?
The most common attachment of Posi-Joist™ beams are:
- Resting or pendant to beam, fixed to wall.
- Resting or pendant on to the wall-frame.
- Resting or pendant to steel beam, fixed to wall.
- Resting or pendant på fastmonterad balksko.
Resting implicates that the Posi-Joist™ beam rest below the Posi-Joist™ frame.
Pendant implicates that the Posi-Joist™ beam rest over the Posi-Joist™ frame.

Pendant on the top Posi-Joist™ frame is the best initial position to achieve optimal acoustic/vibration-numbers. Our system have been through laboratory- and field testings.

8. How does a Posi-Joist™ system compare regarding environmental and sustainability issues?

The mix of different materials in a Posi-Joist™ system, will make use of their selective strengths. Using the exact amount of wood will minimize the waste saving our forests. Our relatively thin steel-joists are adapted to use juste the amount needed. Important since steel is energy demanding in production. that combination leaves us with a balanced product using just what's needed in a specific project and our software PAMIR will make sure that all dimensions are in line. LCA-analyses are in progress together with IVL.

9. Is the Posi-joist™ system expensive?
It is of utmost importance, when comparing the costs for a flooring system, to be aware of the complete cost. Ie from design, developments, controls up to the final product. Posi-Joist™ offers an open construction providing huge efficiency and cost-savings when it comes to piping/wiring and ventilation.

Our analyses has shown between 20-60% in actual cost-savings, and this not counting in the fact that the complete weight of a Posi-Joist™ lightweight flooring system only weighs 59-122kg/m2 (soundclass A), resulting in considerable less weight/pressure in an apartment building.

10. How is insulating done?
Using loose wool is the most common if you have piping and wiring in the floor.
This may be sprayed from the side, top or below.

11. Is it possible to use underfloor heating with Posi-Joist™?
No problem and if you have specific demands regarding acoustics (class A or B) but do not want to put heating-coils next to the sound-mat, we have solutions for that as well. Please contact us for more specified information


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